26 April 2010

I ♥ Faces [week 17] "Smiles"

This week,s theme in the I ♥ Faces photo contest is, "smiles" and there are only two requirements to enter a photo: it must contain a person's face and that face [or faces] must be smiling.

I've got some many photos of people smiling, but knew exactly which one I wanted to enter. As many of you know, my son is a wrestler. During Regions, I took the below photo of a friend of his from the Catholic school in our area. As many of you know, there aren't too many smiles from wrestlers. After I had posted the photo on my smugmug account, I saw the boy's Dad the following day. He commented that not too many people get his son to smile. I was later talking to Joe (the young man in the photo) and he said the only other person he ever smiles for is Santa Clause - lol! I am honored.


Check out the other entries here.


ghomeschool said...

Too funny. He does have a great smile. He should show it off more often.

Unknown said...

Great story! :)

He has a cute smile. You and Santa are lucky. ;)

SarahinSC said...

One of my son's is just like this...never smiles for a camera. I have to hide and catch him smiling to ever catch it on camera. Great capture!

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